Mime type associations

The last step of my laptop migration was to fix mime type associations, that seem to associate opening file depending on whatever application was installed last, phases of the moon, and what option is the most annoying.

The state of my system after a fresh install, is that, for application/pdf, xdg-open (used for example by pcmanfm) runs inkscape, and run-mailcap (used for example by neomutt) runs the calibre ebook viewer.

It looks like there are at least two systems to understand, debug and fix, instead of one.


This comes from package xdg-utils, and works using .desktop files:

# This runs inkscape
$ xdg-open file.pdf

There is a tool called xdg-mime that queries what .desktop file is associated with a given mime type:

$ xdg-mime query default application/pdf

You can use xdg-mime default to change an association, and it works nicely:

$ xdg-mime default org.gnome.Evince.desktop application/pdf
$ xdg-mime query default application/pdf

However, if you accidentally mistype the name of the .desktop file, it won't complain and it will silently reset the association to the arbitrary default:

$ xdg-mime default org.gnome.Evince.desktop application/pdf
$ xdg-mime query default application/pdf
$ xdg-mime default evince.desktop application/pdf
$ echo $?
$ xdg-mime query default application/pdf

You can use a GUI like xfce4-mime-settings from the xfce4-settings package to perform the same kind of changes avoiding typing mistakes.

The associations seem to be saved in ~/.config/mimeapps.list


This comes from the package mime-support

You can test things by running it using --norun:

$ run-mailcap --norun file.pdf
ebook-viewer file.pdf

run-mailcap uses the ~/.mailcap and /etc/mailcap to map mime types to commands. This is what's in the system default:

$ grep application/pdf /etc/mailcap
application/pdf; ebook-viewer %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
application/pdf; calibre %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
application/pdf; gimp-2.10 %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
application/pdf; evince %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

To fix this, I copypasted the evince line into ~/.mailcap, and indeed it gets used:

$ run-mailcap --norun file.pdf
evince file.pdf

There is a /etc/mailcap.order file providing a limited way to order entries in /etc/mailcap, but it can only be manipulated system-wide, and cannot be used for user preferences.

Sadly, this means that if a package changes its mailcap invocation because of, say, a security issue in the former one, the local override will never get fixed.

I am really not comfortable about that. As a workaround, I put this in my ~/.mailcap:

application/pdf; xdg-open %s && sleep 0.3s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.pdf

The sleep 0.3s is needed because xdg-open exits right after starting the program, and when invoked by mutt it means that mutt could delete the attachment before evince has a chance to open it. I had to use the same workaround for sensible-browser, since the same happens when a browser opens a document in an existing tab. I feel like writing some wrapper about all this that forks the viewer, then waits for an IN_OPEN event on its argument via inotify before exiting.

I wonder if there is any reason run-mailcap could not be implemented as a wrapper to xdg-open.

I reported #964723 elaborating on these thoughts.

Update: added nametemplate to the example, thanks François Marier