You finished wesnoth and you're looking for more?
$ ept-cache related wesnoth -t clean
wesnoth-editor - map editor for Wesnoth
wesnoth-server - multiplayer network server for Wesnoth
wesnoth-tsg - The South Guard official campaign for Wesnoth
wesnoth-ttb - A Tale of Two Brothers official campaign for Wesnoth
wesnoth-utbs - Under the Burning Suns official campaign for Wesnoth
asc - turn-based strategy game
attal - turn-based strategy game
xbattle - Concurrent multi-player battle strategy game
crimson - A hex-based tactical game
stratagus - realtime strategy game for Unix and X
fcmp - Free media files for FreeCraft
wormux - funny fight game on 2D maps
stratagus-gl - realtime strategy game for Unix and X - OpenGL version
boson - core package for Boson
netpanzer - online multiplayer tactical warfare game
You're looking for a package sort of like mutt and firefox?
$ ept-cache related mutt firefox -t clean
mozilla-thunderbird - Transition package for icedove rename
balsa - An e-mail client for GNOME
mozilla-mailnews - Transition package for Iceape Mail & Newsgroups and Address Book
mozilla-thunderbird-dev - Transition package for icedove-dev rename
mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail - Transition package for enigmail rename
mozilla-thunderbird-inspector - Transition package for icedove-inspector rename
firefox-gnome-support - Transition package for iceweasel rename
mozilla-firefox-gnome-support - Transition package for iceweasel rename
mozilla-thunderbird-typeaheadfind - Transition package for icedove-typeaheadfind rename
firefox-dom-inspector - Transition package for iceweasel rename
etpan-ng - console mail user agent based on libEtPan!
firefox-webdeveloper - Transition package for iceweasel rename
firefox-greasemonkey - Transition package for iceweasel rename
tkrat - Mail user agent with POP, IMAP, mh support using Tk
thunderbird - Transition package for icedove rename
All of this in ept-cache 0.5.7 uploaded tonight to unstable.
Remember to ept-cache reindex
after upgrades, as the indexing algorithm
sometimes improves. With 0.5.7, for example, it generates an index which is
something like 66% smaller than the previous versions.