Data sources

This chapter lists all the sources of data provided by Debtags. The formats of all this data sources is documented in the Data formats chapter.

Tag sources

This section contains a list of ways to get tag information for packages.

Packages file

The Packages file contains Tag: fields with tag information for every package.

Alioth database, reviewed

The data that end up in the Packages file can also be found at svn://; it is the data coming from the Alioth database, after manual review.

Alioth unrevised

The data contributed, either via the web interface or e-mail submissions, is collected in a database on Alioth.

These data, which have not yet undergone manual reviewing, can be accessed at

Iterating, a wiki-based software guide, are providing a tag database with their ranking information at

This can be merged with the other tag data by adding "tags" as a tag source in /etc/debtags/sources.list and running debtags update.

Local merged tag information

debtags update generates merged tag database that includes all the tag data from all the tag sources configured in /etc/debtags/sources.list.

It can be found in /var/lib/debtags/package-tags, and it has an accompanying index for fast access in /var/lib/debtags/package-tags.idx and /var/lib/debtags/pkgidx.idx.

Vocabulary sources

The Debtags vocabulary, that describes the facets and tags available for use in Debtags, can be obtained from subversion at svn:// or via web at

A copy of the vocabulary is also included in the Debtags package to support the tags provided with the Packages file. It can be found in /usr/share/debtags/vocabulary.

Finally, debtags update generates a merged vocabulary that includes all the vocabulary data from all the tag sources configured in /etc/debtags/sources.list. It can be found in /var/lib/debtags/vocabulary, and it has an accompanying index for fast access in /var/lib/debtags/vocabulary.idx.