I have a Django view that runs a slow script server-side, and streams the script output to Javascript. This is the bit of code that runs the script and turns the output into a stream of events:
def stream_output(proc): ''' Take a subprocess.Popen object and generate its output, line by line, annotated with "stdout" or "stderr". At process termination it generates one last element: ("result", return_code) with the return code of the process. ''' fds = [proc.stdout, proc.stderr] bufs = [b"", b""] types = ["stdout", "stderr"] # Set both pipes as non-blocking for fd in fds: fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) # Multiplex stdout and stderr with different prefixes while len(fds) > 0: s = select.select(fds, (), ()) for fd in s[0]: idx = fds.index(fd) buf = fd.read() if len(buf) == 0: fds.pop(idx) if len(bufs[idx]) != 0: yield types[idx], bufs.pop(idx) types.pop(idx) else: bufs[idx] += buf lines = bufs[idx].split(b"\n") bufs[idx] = lines.pop() for l in lines: yield types[idx], l res = proc.wait() yield "result", res
I used to just serialize its output and stream it to JavaScript, then monitor
on the XMLHttpRequest
object browser-side, but then it
started failing on Chrome, which won't trigger onreadystatechange
something like a kilobyte of data has been received.
I didn't want to stream a kilobyte of padding just to work-around this, so it was time to try out Server-sent events. See also this.
This is the Django view that sends the events:
class HookRun(View): def get(self, request): proc = run_script(request) def make_events(): for evtype, data in utils.stream_output(proc): if evtype == "result": yield "event: {}\ndata: {}\n\n".format(evtype, data) else: yield "event: {}\ndata: {}\n\n".format(evtype, data.decode("utf-8", "replace")) return http.StreamingHttpResponse(make_events(), content_type='text/event-stream') @method_decorator(never_cache) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super().dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
And this is the template that renders it:
{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block head_resources %} {{block.super}} <style type="text/css"> .out { font-family: monospace; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .stdout {} .stderr { color: red; } .result {} .ok { color: green; } .ko { color: red; } </style> {# Polyfill for IE, typical... https://github.com/remy/polyfills/blob/master/EventSource.js #} <script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/EventSource.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { // Manage spinners and other ajax-related feedback $(document).nav(); $(document).nav("ajax_start"); var out = $("#output"); var event_source = new EventSource("{% url 'session_hookrun' name=name %}"); event_source.addEventListener("open", function(e) { //console.log("EventSource open:", arguments); }); event_source.addEventListener("stdout", function(e) { out.append($("<p>").attr("class", "out stdout").text(e.data)); }); event_source.addEventListener("stderr", function(e) { out.append($("<p>").attr("class", "out stderr").text(e.data)); }); event_source.addEventListener("result", function(e) { if (+e.data == 0) out.append($("<p>").attr("class", "result ok").text("{% trans 'Success' %}")); else out.append($("<p>").attr("class", "result ko").text("{% trans 'Script failed with code' %} " + e.data)); event_source.close(); $(document).nav("ajax_end"); }); event_source.addEventListener("error", function(e) { // There is an annoyance here: e does not contain any kind of error // message. out.append($("<p>").attr("class", "result ko").text("{% trans 'Error receiving script output from the server' %}")); console.error("EventSource error:", arguments); event_source.close(); $(document).nav("ajax_end"); }); }); </script> {% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>{% trans "Processing..." %}</h1> <div id="output"> </div> {% endblock %}
It's simple enough, it seems reasonably well supported besides needing a polyfill for IE and, astonishingly, it even works!