"Intervallo RAI" generator

During holiday idling, I made a thing to generate picture slideshows similar to RAI's iconic "Intervallo"

You can get it at https://github.com/spanezz/intervallo


$ intervallo --help
usage: intervallo [-h] [--font file.ttf] [--audio file.mp3] [--duration sec]
                  imgfile [imgfile ...]

Create an Intervallo RAI out of a collection of images.

positional arguments:
  imgfile           input image files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --font file.ttf   Font to use for subtitles
  --audio file.mp3  Audio track
  --duration sec    Time for each image in seconds

For example:

./intervallo --font DejaVuSerif.ttf --audio Paradisi-Toccata.mp3 *.jpg

The images are captioned with their file name, without extension. You may want to rename the image files to have nice descriptive names.

For some audio to use, you can try https://archive.org/details/IntervalloRai-Paradisi

