Custom function decorators with TurboGears 2

I am exposing some library functions using a TurboGears2 controller (see Building a web-based API with Turbogears2). It turns out that some functions return a dict, some a list, some a string, and TurboGears 2 only allows JSON serialisation for dicts.

A simple work-around for this is to wrap the function result into a dict, something like this:

@validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=api_validation_error)
def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
    # Call API
    res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)

    # Return result
    return dict(r=res)

It would be nice, however, to have an @webapi() decorator that automatically wraps the function result with the dict:

def webapi(func):
    def dict_wrap(*args, **kw):
        return dict(r=func(*args, **kw))
    return dict_wrap

# the controller...

    @validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=api_validation_error)
    def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
        # Call API
        res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)

        # Return result
        return res

This works, as long as @webapi appears last in the list of decorators. This is because if it appears last it will be the first to wrap the function, and so it will not interfere with the tg.decorators machinery.

Would it be possible to create a decorator that can be put anywhere among the decorator list? Yes, it is possible but tricky, and it gives me the feeling that it may break in any future version of TurboGears:

class webapi(object):
    def __call__(self, func):
        def dict_wrap(*args, **kw):
            return dict(r=func(*args, **kw))
        # Migrate the decoration attribute to our new function
        if hasattr(func, 'decoration'):
            dict_wrap.decoration = func.decoration
            dict_wrap.decoration.controller = dict_wrap
            delattr(func, 'decoration')
        return dict_wrap

# the controller...

    @validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=api_validation_error)
    def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
        # Call API
        res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)

        # Return result
        return res

As a convenience, TurboGears 2 offers, in the decorators module, a way to build decorator "hooks":

class before_validate(_hook_decorator):
    '''A list of callables to be run before validation is performed'''
    hook_name = 'before_validate'

class before_call(_hook_decorator):
    '''A list of callables to be run before the controller method is called'''
    hook_name = 'before_call'

class before_render(_hook_decorator):
    '''A list of callables to be run before the template is rendered'''
    hook_name = 'before_render'

class after_render(_hook_decorator):
    '''A list of callables to be run after the template is rendered.

    Will be run before it is returned returned up the WSGI stack'''

    hook_name = 'after_render'

The way these are invoked can be found in the _perform_call function in tg/

To show an example use of those hooks, let's add a some polygen wisdom to every data structure we return:

class wisdom(decorators.before_render):
    def __init__(self, grammar):
        super(wisdom, self).__init__(self.add_wisdom)
        self.grammar = grammar
    def add_wisdom(self, remainder, params, output):
        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
        output["wisdom"] = Popen(["polyrun", self.grammar], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]

# the controller...

    @validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=api_validation_error)
    def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
        # Call API
        res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)

        # Return result
        return res

These hooks cannot however be used for what I need, that is, to wrap the result inside a dict. The reason is because they are called in this way:

                'before_render', remainder, params, output)

and not in this way:

        output = controller.decoration.run_hooks(
                'before_render', remainder, params, output)

So it is possible to modify the output (if it is a mutable structure) but not to exchange it with something else.

Can we do even better? Sure we can. We can assimilate @expose and @validate inside @webapi to avoid repeating those same many decorator lines over and over again:

class webapi(object):
    def __init__(self, error_handler = None):
        self.error_handler = error_handler

    def __call__(self, func):
        def dict_wrap(*args, **kw):
            return dict(r=func(*args, **kw))
        res = expose("json")(dict_wrap)
        res = validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=self.error_handler)(res)
        return res

# the controller...

    def api_validation_error(self, **kw):
        pylons.response.status = "400 Error"
        return dict(e="validation error on input fields", form_errors=pylons.c.form_errors)

    def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
        # Call API
        res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)

        # Return result
        return res

This got rid of @expose and @validate, and provides almost all the default values that I need. Unfortunately I could not find out how to access api_validation_error from the decorator so that I can pass it to the validator, therefore I remain with the inconvenience of having to explicitly pass it every time.