Latest posts for tag turbogears
Custom function decorators with TurboGears 2
I am exposing some library functions using a TurboGears2 controller (see Building a web-based API with Turbogears2). It turns out that some functions return a dict, some a list, some a string, and TurboGears 2 only allows JSON serialisation for dicts.
A simple work-around for this is to wrap the function result into a dict, something like this:
@validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=api_validation_error)
def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
# Call API
res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)
# Return result
return dict(r=res)
It would be nice, however, to have an @webapi()
decorator that
automatically wraps the function result with the dict:
def webapi(func):
def dict_wrap(*args, **kw):
return dict(r=func(*args, **kw))
return dict_wrap
# the controller...
@validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=api_validation_error)
def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
# Call API
res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)
# Return result
return res
This works, as long as @webapi appears last in the list of decorators.
This is because if it appears last it will be the first to wrap the function,
and so it will not interfere with the tg.decorators
Would it be possible to create a decorator that can be put anywhere among the decorator list? Yes, it is possible but tricky, and it gives me the feeling that it may break in any future version of TurboGears:
class webapi(object):
def __call__(self, func):
def dict_wrap(*args, **kw):
return dict(r=func(*args, **kw))
# Migrate the decoration attribute to our new function
if hasattr(func, 'decoration'):
dict_wrap.decoration = func.decoration
dict_wrap.decoration.controller = dict_wrap
delattr(func, 'decoration')
return dict_wrap
# the controller...
@validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=api_validation_error)
def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
# Call API
res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)
# Return result
return res
As a convenience, TurboGears 2 offers, in the decorators
module, a way to
build decorator "hooks":
class before_validate(_hook_decorator):
'''A list of callables to be run before validation is performed'''
hook_name = 'before_validate'
class before_call(_hook_decorator):
'''A list of callables to be run before the controller method is called'''
hook_name = 'before_call'
class before_render(_hook_decorator):
'''A list of callables to be run before the template is rendered'''
hook_name = 'before_render'
class after_render(_hook_decorator):
'''A list of callables to be run after the template is rendered.
Will be run before it is returned returned up the WSGI stack'''
hook_name = 'after_render'
The way these are invoked can be found in the _perform_call
function in
To show an example use of those hooks, let's add a some polygen wisdom to every data structure we return:
class wisdom(decorators.before_render):
def __init__(self, grammar):
super(wisdom, self).__init__(self.add_wisdom)
self.grammar = grammar
def add_wisdom(self, remainder, params, output):
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
output["wisdom"] = Popen(["polyrun", self.grammar], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
# the controller...
@validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=api_validation_error)
def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
# Call API
res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)
# Return result
return res
These hooks cannot however be used for what I need, that is, to wrap the result inside a dict. The reason is because they are called in this way:
'before_render', remainder, params, output)
and not in this way:
output = controller.decoration.run_hooks(
'before_render', remainder, params, output)
So it is possible to modify the output (if it is a mutable structure) but not to exchange it with something else.
Can we do even better? Sure we can. We can assimilate @expose
and @validate
inside @webapi
to avoid repeating those same many decorator lines over and
over again:
class webapi(object):
def __init__(self, error_handler = None):
self.error_handler = error_handler
def __call__(self, func):
def dict_wrap(*args, **kw):
return dict(r=func(*args, **kw))
res = expose("json")(dict_wrap)
res = validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=self.error_handler)(res)
return res
# the controller...
def api_validation_error(self, **kw):
pylons.response.status = "400 Error"
return dict(e="validation error on input fields", form_errors=pylons.c.form_errors)
def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
# Call API
res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)
# Return result
return res
This got rid of @expose
and @validate
, and provides almost all the
default values that I need. Unfortunately I could not find out how to access
from the decorator so that I can pass it to the
validator, therefore I remain with the inconvenience of having to explicitly
pass it every time.
Building a web-based API with Turbogears2
I am using TurboGears2 to export a python API over the web. Every API method is wrapper by a controller method that validates the parameters and returns the results encoded in JSON.
The basic idea is this:
def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
# Call API
res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)
# Return result
return res
To validate the parameters we can use forms, it's their job after all:
class ListColoursForm(TableForm):
fields = [
# One field per parameter
twf.TextField("filter", help_text="Please enter the string to use as a filter"),
twf.TextField("productID", help_text="Please enter the product ID"),
twf.TextField("maxResults", validator=twfv.Int(min=0), default=200, size=5, help_text="Please enter the maximum number of results"),
@validate(list_colours_form, error_handler=list_colours_validation_error)
def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
# Parameter validation is done by the form
# Call API
res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)
# Return result
return res
All straightforward so far. However, this means that we need two exposed methods for every API call: one for the API call and one error handler. For every API call, we have to type the name several times, which is error prone and risks to get things mixed up.
We can however have a single error handler for all methonds:
def get_method():
The method name is the first url component after the controller name that
does not start with 'test'
found_controller = False
for name in pylons.c.url.split("/"):
if not found_controller and name == "controllername":
found_controller = True
if name.startswith("test"):
if found_controller:
return name
return None
class ValidatorDispatcher:
Validate using the right form according to the value of the "method" field
def validate(self, args, state):
method = args.get("method", None)
# Extract the method from the URL if it is missing
if method is None:
method = get_method()
args["method"] = method
return forms[method].validate(args, state)
validator_dispatcher = ValidatorDispatcher()
This validator will try to find the method name, either as a form field
or by parsing the URL. It will then use the method name to find the form to use
for validation, and pass control to the validate
method of that form.
We then need to add an extra "method" field to our forms, and arrange the forms inside a dictionary:
class ListColoursForm(TableForm):
fields = [
# One hidden field to have a place for the method name
# One field per parameter
twf.TextField("filter", help_text="Please enter the string to use as a filter"),
forms["list_colours"] = ListColoursForm()
And now our methods become much nicer to write:
def api_validation_error(self, **kw):
pylons.response.status = "400 Error"
return dict(form_errors=pylons.c.form_errors)
@validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=api_validation_error)
def list_colours(self, filter=None, productID=None, maxResults=100, **kw):
# Parameter validation is done by the form
# Call API
res = self.engine.list_colours(filter, productID, maxResults)
# Return result
return res
is interesting: it returns a proper HTTP error status,
and a JSON body with the details of the error, taken straight from the form
validators. It took me a while to find out that the form errors are in
(and for reference, the form values are in
). pylons.response
is a WebOb Response that we can play with.
So now our client side is able to call the API methods, and get a proper error if it calls them wrong.
But now that we have the forms ready, it doesn't take much to display them in web pages as well:
def _describe(self, method):
"Return a dict describing an API method"
ldesc = getattr(self.engine, method).__doc__.strip()
sdesc = ldesc.split("\n")[0]
return dict(name=method, sdesc = sdesc, ldesc = ldesc)
def index(self):
Show an index of exported API methods
methods = dict()
for m in forms.keys():
methods[m] = self._describe(m)
return dict(methods=methods)
def testform(self, method, **kw):
Show a form with the parameters of an API method
kw["method"] = method
return dict(method=method, action="/myapp/test/"+method, value=kw, info=self._describe(method), form=forms[method])
@validate(validator_dispatcher, error_handler=testform)
def test(self, method, **kw):
Run an API method and show its prettyprinted result
res = getattr(self, str(method))(**kw)
return pprint.pformat(res)
In a few lines, we have all we need: an index of the API methods (including their documentation taken from the docstrings!), and for each method a form to invoke it and a page to see the results.
Make the forms children of AjaxForm, and you can even see the results together with the form.
TurboGears RemoteForm tip
In case your RemoteForm misteriously behaves like a normal HTTP form, refreshing the page on submit, and the only hint that there's something wrong is this bit in the Iceweasel's error console:
Errore: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure
code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) []"
nsresult: "0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE)" location: "JS frame ::
javascript: eval(__firebugTemp__); :: anonymous :: line 1" data: no]
the problem can just be a missing action=
attribute to the form.
I found out after:
reading the TurboGears remoteform wiki: "For some reason, the RemoteForm is acting like a regular html form, serving up a new page instead of performing the replacements we're looking for. I'll update this page as soon as I figure out why this is happening."
finding this page on Google and meditating for a while while staring at it. I don't speak German, but often enough I manage to solve problems after meditating over Google results in all sorts of languages unknown or unreadable to me. I will call this practice Webomancy.
File downloads with TurboGears
In TurboGears, I had to implement a file download method, but the file required access controls so it was put in a directory not exported by Apache.
In #turbogears
I've been pointed at:
and this is everything put together:
from cherrypy.lib.cptools import serveFile
# In cherrypy 3 it should be:
#from cherrypy.lib.static import serve_file
def get(self, *args, **kw):
"""Access the file pointed by the given path"""
pathname = check_auth_and_compute_pathname()
return serveFile(pathname)
Then I needed to export some CSV:
def getcsv(self, *args, **kw):
"""Get the data in CSV format"""
rows = compute_data_rows()
headers = compute_headers(rows)
filename = compute_file_name()
cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/x-download"
cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="'+filename+'"'
csvdata = StringIO.StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(csvdata)
return csvdata.getvalue()
In my case it's not an issue as I can only compute the headers after I computed all the data, but I still have to find out how to serve the CSV file while I'm generating it, instead of storing it all into a big string and returning the big string.
Linking to self in turbogears
I want to put in my master.kid some icons that allow to change the current language for the session.
First, all user-accessible methods need to handle a 'language' parameter:
def index(self, someparam, **kw):
if 'language' in kw: turbogears.i18n.set_session_locale(kw['language'])
Then, we need a way to edit the current URL so that we can generate modified links to self that preserve the existing path_info and query parameters. In your main controller, add:
def linkself(**kw):
params = {}
url = cherrypy.request.browser_url.split('?', 1)[0]
return url + '?' + '&'.join(['='.join(x) for x in params.iteritems()])
def add_custom_stdvars(vars):
return vars.update({"linkself": linkself})
(see the turbogears stdvars documentation and the cherrypy request documentation (cherrypy 2 documentation at the bottom of the page))
And finally, in master.kid:
<div id="footer">
<div id="langselector">
<span class="language">
<a href="${tg.linkself(language='it_IT')}">
<img src="${tg.url('/static/images/it.png')}"/>
<span class="language">
<a href="${tg.linkself(language='C')}">
<img src="${tg.url('/static/images/en.png')}"/>
</div><!-- langselector -->
</div><!-- footer -->
Turbogears i18n quirks
Collecting strings from .kid
tg-admin i18n collect
won't collect strings from your .kid
files: you need
the toolbox web interface for that.
Indentation problems in .kid
The toolbox web interface chokes on intentation errors on your .kid
To see the name of the .kid
file that causes the error, look at the tg-admin
output in the terminal for lines like Working on app/Foo/templates/bar.kid
What happens is that the .kid
files are converted to python files, and if
there are indentation glitches they end up in the python files, and python will
Once you see from the tg-admin toolbox
standard error what is the .kid
with the problem, edit it and try to make sure that all closing tags are at the
exact indentation level as their coresponding opening tags. Even a single
space would matter.
Bad i18n bug in TurboKid versions earlier than 1.0.1
on #turbogears
also says:
It is of outmost importance that you use TurboKid 1.0.1 because it is the first version that corrects a BIG bug regarding i18n filters ...
The version below had a bug where the filters kept being added at each page load in such a way that after a few hundreds of pages you could have page loading times as long as 5 minutes!
If one has a previous version of TurboKid, one (and only one) of these is needed:
- Patch Kid with the patch at
- Patch TurboKid with the patch at
- Upgrade to TurboGears, which also works like a charm with python 2.5, which is a performance boost.
So, in short, all i18n users should upgrade to TurboGears or patch TurboKid using
Passing values to turbogears widgets at display time
In turbogears, I often need to pass data to widgets at display time. Sometimes it works automatically, but sometimes, in cases like passing option lists to CheckBoxLists or number of repetitions in a RepeatingFieldSet, it doesn't.
All the examples use precomputed lists or pass simple code functions. In most of my cases, I want them computed by the controller every time.
Passing a function hasn't worked, as I did not find any obvious way to have the function know about the controller.
So I need to pass things the display() method of the widgets, but I could not work out how to pass the option list and default list for a CheckBoxList that is part of a WidgetsList in a TableForm.
On IRC came the answer, thanks to Xentac:
you should be able to...
And yes, it works. I can pass the default value as one of the normal form values:
tableform.display(values=dict(checkboxname=[values]), options=dict(checkboxname=[optionlist]))
Quirks when overriding SQLObject setters
Let's suppose you have a User
that is, optionally, a member of a Company. In
SQLObject you model it somehow like this:
class Company(SQLObject):
name = UnicodeCol(length=16, alternateID=True, alternateMethodName="by_name")
display_name = UnicodeCol(length=255)
class User(InheritableSQLObject):
company = ForeignKey("Company", notNull=False, cascade='null')
Then you want to implement a user settings interface that uses a Select box to choose the company of the user.
For the Select widget to properly handle the validator for your data, you need to put a number in the first option. As my first option, I want to have the "None" entry, so I decided to use -1 to mean "None".
Now, to make it all blend nicely, I overrode the company
setter to accept -1
and silently convert it to a None
class User(InheritableSQLObject):
company = ForeignKey("Company", notNull=False, cascade='null')
def _set_company(self, id):
"Set the company id, using None if -1 is given"
if id == -1: id = None
In the controller, after parsing and validating all the various keyword arguments, I do something like this:
Now, the overridden method didn't get called.
After some investigation, and with the help of NandoFlorestan on IRC, we figured out the following things:
That method needs to be rewritten as
:def _set_companyID(self, id): "Set the company id, using None if -1 is given" if id == -1: id = None self._SO_set_companyID(id)
Methods overridden in that way are alsop called by
, but not by theUser(**kw)
constructor, so using, for example, a similar override to transparently encrypt passwords would give you plaintext passwords for new users and encrypted passwords after they changed it.
Turbogears quirks when testing controllers that use SingleSelectField
Suppose you have a User
that can be a member of a Company. In SQLObject you
model it somehow like this:
class Company(SQLObject):
name = UnicodeCol(length=16, alternateID=True, alternateMethodName="by_name")
display_name = UnicodeCol(length=255)
class User(InheritableSQLObject):
company = ForeignKey("Company", notNull=False, cascade='null')
Then you want to make a form that allows to choose what is the company of a user:
def companies():
return [ [ -1, 'None' ] ] + [ [, c.display_name] for c in ]
class NewUserFields(WidgetsList):
"""Fields for editing general settings"""
user_name = TextField(label="User name")
companyID = SingleSelectField(label="Company", options=companies)
Ok. Now you want to run tests:
imports the controller to see if there's any initialisation code.- The NewUserFields class is created.
- The SingleSelectField is created.
- The SingleSelectField constructor tries to guess the validator and peeks at the first option.
- This calls
. companies
accesses the database.- The testing database has not yet been created because nosetests imported the module before giving the test code a chance to setup the test database.
- Bang.
The solution is to add an explicit validator to disable this guessing code that is a source of so many troubles:
class NewUserFields(WidgetsList):
"""Fields for editing general settings"""
user_name = TextField(label="User name")
companyID = SingleSelectField(label="Company", options=companies, validator=v.Int(not_empty=True))
Passing values to turbogears widgets at display time (the general case)
Last time I dug this up I was not clear enough in documenting my findings, so I had to find them again. Here is the second attempt.
In Turbogears, in order to pass parameters to arbitrary widgets in a compound widget, the syntax is:
And if you have more complex nested widgets and would like to know what goes on, this monkey patch is good for inspecting the params lookup functions:
import turbogears.widgets.forms
old_rpbp = turbogears.widgets.forms.retrieve_params_by_path
def inspect_rpbp(params, path):
print "RPBP", repr(params), repr(path)
res = old_rpbp(params, path)
print "RPBP RES", res
return res
turbogears.widgets.forms.retrieve_params_by_path = inspect_rpbp
The code for the lookup itself is, as the name suggests, in the
function in the file widgets/
in the
Turbogears source code.