In English
- Auto-antonym - Wikipedia, "a word with multiple meanings (senses) of which one is the reverse of another"
- Aizuchi - Wikipedia "the frequent interjections during a conversation that indicate the listener is paying attention or understands the speaker."
- Louis Wolfson (writer) - Wikipedia "an American author who writes in French. Treated for schizophrenia since childhood, he cannot bear hearing or reading his native language and has invented a method of immediately translating every English sentence into a foreign phrase with the same sound and meaning."
- 'Nüshu: China’s secret female-only language'
- Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe "This chart shows the lexical distance — that is, the degree of overall vocabulary divergence — among the major languages of Europe."
- List of Latin legal terms - Wikipedia "A number of Latin terms are used in legal terminology and legal maxims."
- Pronunciation | sounds-of-english
In Italiano
- Forestierismi "Lista dei forestierismi e dei loro traducenti italiani"
- La corrispondenza italiana: abbreviazioni
- Metrica italiana
- Accademia Attori - Corso di Dizione Online
- La questione dei nomi delle professioni al femminile una volta per tutte