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Women in science

Timeline of women in science - Wikipedia

this is a timeline of women in science, spanning from ancient history up to the 21st century. While the timeline primarily focuses on women involved with natural sciences such as astronomy, biology, chemistry and physics, it also includes women from the social sciences (e.g. sociology, psychology) and the formal sciences (e.g. mathematics, computer science), as well as notable science educators and medical scientists. The chronological events listed in the timeline relate to both scientific achievements and gender equality within the sciences.

List of women's firsts - Wikipedia

This is a list of women's firsts noting the first time that a woman or women achieved a given historical feat. A shorthand phrase for this development is "breaking the gender barrier" or "breaking the glass ceiling." Other terms related to the glass ceiling can be used for specific fields related to those terms, such as "breaking the brass ceiling" for women in the military and "breaking the stained glass ceiling" for women clergy. Inclusion on the list is reserved for achievements by women that have significant historical impact.

List of Women in Technology International Hall of Fame inductees - Wikipedia

The Women in Technology International Hall of Fame was established in 1996 by Women in Technology International (WITI) to honor women who contribute to the fields of science and technology.

Women in Chemistry – Compound Interest

8 March is International Women’s Day. As in previous years, I’ve put together another edition of this series looking at underappreciated women from chemistry history.

And some men, too:

Software development links

Next time we'll iterate on Himblick design and development, Raspberry Pi 4 can now run plain standard Debian, which should make a lot of things easier and cleaner when developing products based on it.

Somewhat related to nspawn-runner, random links somehow related to my feeling that nspawn comes from an ecosystem which gives me a bigger sense of focus on security and solidity than Docker:

I did a lot of work on A38, a Python library to deal with FatturaPA electronic invoicing, and it was a wonderful surprise to see a positive review spontaneously appear! ♥: Fattura elettronica, come visualizzarla con python | TuttoLogico

A beautiful, hands-on explanation of git internals, as a step by step guide to reimplementing your own git: Git Internals - Learn by Building Your Own Git

I recently tried meson and liked it a lot. I then gave unity builds a try, since it supports them out of the box, and found myself with doubts. I found I wasn't alone, and I liked The Evils of Unity Builds as a summary of the situation.

A point of view I liked on technological debt: Technical debt as a lack of understanding

Finally, a classic, and a masterful explanation for a question that keeps popping up: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

Mindustry links

Mindustry is really well made computer game that I enjoyed playing a lot. It is Free Software.

Here are two guides to get a deeper idea about details of the game:

r/Mindustry - How unattended sector defense works (most effective turrets and such) is a useful explanation I found of what happens in Mindustry 6 when I leave a sector to itself.

And #959466 is the RFP (wink, wink!)

Language links

In English

In Italiano

Miscellaneous news links

Some curious news.

Here's a scam that targets terrorists: The Doomsday Scam.

On the general topic of scams, a List of confidence tricks.

Then two news involving bread:

And a last one about how people needed to rename human genes to work around Excel bugsfeatures:

OpenStreetMap maps links

Some interesting renderings of OpenStreetMap data:

If you want to print out local maps, MyOSMatic is a service to generate maps of cities using OpenStreetMap data. The generated maps are available in PNG, PDF and SVG formats and are ready to be printed.

On a terminal? Sure: MapSCII is a Braille & ASCII world map renderer for the console: telnet and explore the map with the mouse, keyboard arrows, and a and z to zoom, c to switch to block character mode, q to quit.

Alternatively you can fly over it, and you might have to dodge the rare map editing bug, or have fun landing on it: A typo created a 212-story monolith in ‘Microsoft Flight Simulator’

Viewing OpenStreetMap

weeklyOSM posts lots of interesting links. Here are some beautiful views of OpenStreetMap edits and renderings:

COVID-19 vaccines

COVID-19 vaccination has started, and this site tracks progress in Italy. This site, world-wide.

Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine has a pretty good description of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine, codon by codon, broken down in a way that I managed to follow.

From the same author, DNA seen through the eyes of a coder

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