devel links

«I just took a few minutes to write up my preferred Debian packaging practices…»
«I manage a few servers for myself, friends and family as well as for the Libravatar project. Here is how I customize recent releases of Debian on those servers.»
The way developers somehow think DevOps is (or should be) an abbreviation of "Developers doing/replacing Operations" is terrifying to me.I'm also in the same boat as the author, in that I recommend and target Debian Stable + Backports (and some vendor/community repos when required).
Great news, great news! New images available!Grab them while they are hot!
One-page guide to ES2015+: usage, examples, and more. A quick overview of new JavaScript features in ES2015, ES2016, ES2017, ES2018 and beyond.
Rich offline experiences, periodic background syncs, push notifications—functionality that would normally require a native application—are coming to the web. Service workers provide the technical foundation that all these features rely on.
The Service Worker Cookbook is a collection of working, practical examples of using service workers in modern web sites.
One overriding problem that web users have suffered with for years is loss of connectivity. The best web app in the world will provide a terrible user experience if you can’t download it. There have been various attempts to create technologies to solve this problem, as our Offline page shows, and some of the issues have been solved.
«For a long time I’ve wanted an ssh-agent setup that would ask me before every use, so I could slightly more comfortably forward authentication over SSH without worrying that my session might get hijacked somewhere at the remote end (I often find myself wanting to pull authenticated git repos on remote hosts). I’m at DebConf this week, which is an ideal time to dig further into these things, so I did so today. As is often the case it turns out this is already possible, if you know how.»
Prevasio, a cybersecurity startup, has announced that it has completed the scanning of 4 million container images at Docker Hub. Nearly 51% of the images have critical vulnerabilities, and nearly 6,500 of them can be considered malicious.
A recent analysis of around 4 million Docker Hub images by cyber security firm Prevasio found that 51% of the images had exploitable vulnerabilities. A large number of these were cryptocurrency miners, both open and hidden, and 6,432 of the images had malware.
The systemd-analyze security command gives your systemd service units an automated security rating. This is a good starting point for security hardening.
A coloring book to help folks understand how SELinux works. - mairin/selinux-coloring-book
Multi-panel display built from various gdb outputs
Jacob Kaplan-Moss is known for his work on Django but, as he would describe in his keynote, many think he had more to do with its creation than he actually did. While his talk ranged quite a bit, the theme covered something that software development organizations—and open source projects—may be grappling with: a myth about developer performance and how it impacts the industry. It was a thought-provoking talk that was frequently punctuated by applause; these are the kinds of issues that the Python community tries to confront head on, so the talk was aimed well.
«Why are there so many more undocumented systems than documented ones out there, and how can we cause more well-documented systems to exist? The answer isn’t “people are lazy”, and the solution is simple – though not easy.»
Collection of vim tips from people's personal everyday use
«This page describes how to use SSL with a certificate fingerprint to automatically identify your registered nickname with NickServ on connect.»
«Developers can get better at their craft by learning from the great writers who mastered theirs. Writing software isn’t the same as writing a novel, but there are parallels. Besides, advice from writers is better because writers have been struggling with their craft for many centuries, not just a few decades. It’s better-written as well. This talk shares great writers’ best advice for coders: Stephen King on refactoring, Anne Rice on development hardware, Hemingway on modelling with personas, and Neil Gaiman on everything.»
However hard you work on documentation, it won't work for your software - unless you do it the right way.
I'm going to preach the wonders of Python dataclasses, but for reasons of interested to those who have already gone down the delightful rabbit-hole of typed Python. So let me start with a quick plug for mypy if you haven't heard about it.
I need to match all of these opening tags: <p> <a href="foo"> But not these: <br /> <hr class="foo" /> I came up with this and wanted to make sure I've got it right. I a...
Unity builds. I don’t like them. Of all the tools at your disposal to make a build faster, this is the worst. And it’s not just the “hey let’s #include .cpp files” weirdness…
Welcome aboard! We're going to implement Git in Python to learn more about how Git works on the inside. This tutorial is different from most Git internals tutorials because we're not going to talk about Git only with words but also with code! We're going to write in Python as we go.
November 02, 2020
Un tool python a riga di comando per visualizzare, convertire e validare una fattura elettronica xml, pratico e veloce
A good explanation of the three level of "stopping" a service in systemd, with a focus on masking.
Did you ever wish you could make scatter plots with cat shaped points? Now you can! - Gibbsdavidl/CatterPlots