Archive of posts for tag osm
- 2020-07-24 - Boring restaurants
- 2010-07-11 - Computing time offsets between EXIF and GPS
- 2010-07-10 - Searching OSM nodes in Spatialite
- 2010-07-10 - Importing OSM nodes into Spatialite
- 2010-07-09 - Filtering nodes out of OSM files
- 2009-06-07 - Mapping using the Openmoko FreeRunner headset
- 2009-06-07 - Simple tool to query the GPS using the OpenMoko FSO stack
- 2009-06-07 - Voice-controlled waypoints
- 2009-06-07 - Geocoding Unix timestamps
- 2009-06-07 - Recording audio on the FreeRunner
- 2009-06-06 - Using OpenStreetMap maps with gpsdrive
- 2009-06-06 - OpenStreetMap party at Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- 2009-06-06 - Saving waypoints with Holux M-241
- 2009-06-06 - Uploading gpsdrive tracks to openstreetmap
- 2009-06-06 - Generating missing tangogps tiles
- 2009-06-06 - Playing with a Holux M-241