Latest posts for tag hacks

gitpython: list all files in a git commit

A little gitpython recipe to list the paths of all files in a commit:


import git
from pathlib import Path
import sys

def list_paths(root_tree, path=Path(".")):
    for blob in root_tree.blobs:
        yield path /
    for tree in root_tree.trees:
        yield from list_paths(tree, path /

repo = git.Repo(".", search_parent_directories=True)
commit = repo.commit(sys.argv[1])
for path in list_paths(commit.tree):

It can be a good base, for example, for writing a script that, given two git branches, shows which django migrations are in one and not in the other, without doing any git checkout of the code.

Starting tornado on a random free port

One of the software I maintain for work is a GUI data browser that uses Tornado as a backend and a web browser as a front-end.

It is quite convenient to start the command and have the browser open automatically on the right URL. It's quite annoying to start the command and be told that the default port is already in use.

I've needed this trick quite often, also when writing unit tests, and it's time I note it down somewhere, so it's easier to find than going through Tornado's unittest code where I found it the first time.

This is how to start Tornado on a free random port:

from tornado.options import define, options
import tornado.netutil
import tornado.httpserver

define("web_port", type=int, default=None, help="listening port for web interface")

application = Application(self.db_url)

if options.web_port is None:
    sockets = tornado.netutil.bind_sockets(0, '')
    self.web_port = sockets[0].getsockname()[:2][1]
    server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
    server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)

Getting rusage of child processes on python asyncio

I am writing a little application server for microservices written as compiled binaries, and I would like to log execution statistics from getrusage(2).

The application server is written using asyncio, and processes are managed using asyncio subprocesses.

Unfortunately, asyncio uses os.waitpid instead of os.wait4 to reap child processes, and to get rusage information one has to delve into the asyncio innards, and provide a custom ChildWatcher implementation. Here's how I did it:

import asyncio
from asyncio.log import logger
from contextlib import contextmanager
import os

class ExtendedResults:
    def __init__(self):
        self.rusage = None
        self.returncode = None

class SafeChildWatcherWithRusage(asyncio.SafeChildWatcher):
    SafeChildWatcher that uses os.wait4 to also get rusage information.
    rusage_results = {}

    def monitor(cls, proc):
        Return an ExtendedResults that gets filled when the process exits
        assert > 0
        pid =
        extended_results = ExtendedResults()
        cls.rusage_results[pid] = extended_results
            yield extended_results
            cls.rusage_results.pop(pid, None)

    def _do_waitpid(self, expected_pid):
        # The original is in asyncio/; on new python versions, it
        # makes sense to check changes to it and port them here
        assert expected_pid > 0

            pid, status, rusage = os.wait4(expected_pid, os.WNOHANG)
        except ChildProcessError:
            # The child process is already reaped
            # (may happen if waitpid() is called elsewhere).
            pid = expected_pid
            returncode = 255
                "Unknown child process pid %d, will report returncode 255",
            if pid == 0:
                # The child process is still alive.

            returncode = self._compute_returncode(status)
            if self._loop.get_debug():
                logger.debug('process %s exited with returncode %s',
                             expected_pid, returncode)

        extended_results = self.rusage_results.get(pid)
        if extended_results is not None:
            extended_results.rusage = rusage
            extended_results.returncode = returncode

            callback, args = self._callbacks.pop(pid)
        except KeyError:  # pragma: no cover
            # May happen if .remove_child_handler() is called
            # after os.waitpid() returns.
            if self._loop.get_debug():
                logger.warning("Child watcher got an unexpected pid: %r",
                               pid, exc_info=True)
            callback(pid, returncode, *args)

    def install(cls):
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        child_watcher = cls()

To use it:

from .hacks import SafeChildWatcherWithRusage


    def run(self, *args, **kw):
        kw["stdin"] = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
        kw["stdout"] = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
        kw["stderr"] = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
        self.started = time.time()

        self.proc = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*args, **kw)

        from .hacks import SafeChildWatcherWithRusage
        with SafeChildWatcherWithRusage.monitor(self.proc) as results:
            yield from asyncio.tasks.gather(
        self.returncode = yield from self.proc.wait()
        self.rusage = results.rusage
        self.ended = time.time()

Serving debian-distributed javascript libraries in Tornado

Debian conveniently distribute JavaScript libraries, and expects packaged software to use them rather than embedding their own copy.

Here is a convenient custom StaticFileHandler for Tornado that looks for the Debian-distributed versions of JavaScript libraries, and falls back to the vendored versions if they are not found:

from tornado import web
import pathlib

class StaticFileHandler(web.StaticFileHandler):
    StaticFileHandler that allows overriding paths in the static directory with
    system provided versions
    SYSTEM_ASSET_PATH = pathlib.Path("/usr/share/javascript")

    def get_absolute_path(self, root, path):
        path = pathlib.PurePath(path)
        if not
            return super().get_absolute_path(root, path)

        system_dir = self.SYSTEM_ASSET_PATH.joinpath([0])
        if system_dir.is_dir():
            # If that asset directory exists in the system, look for things in
            # there
            return self.SYSTEM_ASSET_PATH.joinpath(path)
            # Else go ahead with the default static dir
            return super().get_absolute_path(root, path)

    def validate_absolute_path(self, root, absolute_path):
        Rewrite of tornado's validate_absolute_path not to raise an error for
        paths in /usr/share/javascript/
        root = pathlib.Path(root)
        absolute_path = pathlib.Path(absolute_path)

        is_system_root =[:len(] ==
        is_static_root =[:len(] ==

        if not is_system_root and not is_static_root:
            raise web.HTTPError(403, "%s is not in root static directory or system assets path",

        if absolute_path.is_dir() and self.default_filename is not None:
            # need to look at the request.path here for when path is empty
            # but there is some prefix to the path that was already
            # trimmed by the routing
            if not self.request.path.endswith("/"):
                self.redirect(self.request.path + "/", permanent=True)
            absolute_path = absolute_path.joinpath(self.default_filename)
        if not absolute_path.exists():
            raise web.HTTPError(404)
        if not absolute_path.is_file():
            raise web.HTTPError(403, "%s is not a file", self.path)
        return str(absolute_path)

This is how to use it:

class DebianApplication(tornado.web.Application):
    def __init__(self, *args, **settings):
        from .static import StaticFileHandler
        settings.setdefault("static_handler_class", StaticFileHandler)
        super().__init__(*args, **settings)

And from HTML it's simply a matter of matching the first path component to what is used by Debian's packages under /usr/share/javascript:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{static_url('bootstrap4/css/bootstrap.min.css')}}">
    <script src="{{static_url('jquery/jquery.min.js')}}"></script>
    <script src="{{static_url('popper.js/umd/popper.min.js')}}"></script>
    <script src="{{static_url('bootstrap4/js/bootstrap.min.js')}}"></script>

I find it quite convenient: this way I can start writing prototype code without worrying about fetching javascript libraries to bundle.

I only need to start worrying about it if I need to deploy outside of Debian, or to old stable versions of Debian that don't contain the required JavaScript dependencies. In that case, I just cp -r from a working /usr/share/javascript into Tornado's static directory, and I'm done.

Python hacks: opening a compressed mailbox

Python mailbox.mbox is not good at opening compressed mailboxes:

>>> import mailbox
>>> print(len(mailbox.mbox("/tmp/test.mbox")))
>>> print(len(mailbox.mbox("/tmp/test.mbox.gz")))
>>> print(len(mailbox.mbox("/tmp/test1.mbox.xz")))

For a prototype rewrite of the MIA team's Echelon (the engine behind mia-query), I needed to scan compressed mailboxes, and I had to work around this limitation.

Here is the alternative mailbox.mbox implementation:

import lzma
import gzip
import bz2
import mailbox

class StreamMbox(mailbox.mbox):
    mailbox.mbox does not support opening a stream, which is sad.

    This is a subclass that works around it
    def __init__(self, fd: BinaryIO, factory=None, create: bool = True):
        # Do not call parent __init__, just redo everything here to be able to
        # open a stream. This will need to be re-reviewed for every new version
        # of python's stdlib.

        # Mailbox constructor
        self._path = None
        self._factory = factory

        # _singlefileMailbox constructor
        self._file = fd
        self._toc = None
        self._next_key = 0
        self._pending = False       # No changes require rewriting the file.
        self._pending_sync = False  # No need to sync the file
        self._locked = False
        self._file_length = None    # Used to record mailbox size

        # mbox constructor
        self._message_factory = mailbox.mboxMessage

    def flush(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("StreamMbox is a readonly class")

class UsageExample:

    def scan(cls, path: Path) -> Generator[ScannedEmail, None, None]:
        decompress = cls.DECOMPRESS.get(path.suffix)
        if decompress is None:
            with open(path.as_posix(), "rb") as fd:
                yield from cls.scan_fd(path, fd)
            with decompress(path.as_posix(), "rb") as fd:
                yield from cls.scan_fd(path, fd)

    def scan_fd(cls, path: Path, fd: BinaryIO) -> Generator[ScannedEmail, None, None]:
        mbox = StreamMbox(fd)
        for msg in mbox:
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