Archive of posts for tag tips
- 2012-03-07 - Resolving IP addresses in vim
- 2012-02-27 - SQLAlchemy, MySQL and sql_mode=traditional
- 2011-10-14 - Quei simpatici spammer di Aruba
- 2010-10-16 - Award winning code
- 2010-07-11 - Computing time offsets between EXIF and GPS
- 2010-07-10 - Searching OSM nodes in Spatialite
- 2010-07-10 - Importing OSM nodes into Spatialite
- 2010-07-09 - Filtering nodes out of OSM files
- 2010-04-17 - Tweaking locale settings
- 2010-03-08 - Temporarily disabling file caching
- 2010-02-03 - Cropping images with GDAL
- 2009-11-04 - Custom function decorators with TurboGears 2
- 2009-10-15 - Building a web-based API with Turbogears2
- 2009-09-30 - Lessons learnt from Oracle
- 2009-07-15 - Getting dbus signatures right from Vala
- 2009-07-01 - Creating pipelines with subprocess
- 2009-06-25 - Tips on using python datetime module
- 2009-06-25 - Python versione Bignami
- 2009-06-07 - Mapping using the Openmoko FreeRunner headset
- 2009-06-07 - Simple tool to query the GPS using the OpenMoko FSO stack
- 2009-06-07 - Voice-controlled waypoints
- 2009-06-07 - Geocoding Unix timestamps
- 2009-06-07 - Recording audio on the FreeRunner
- 2009-06-06 - Using OpenStreetMap maps with gpsdrive
- 2009-06-06 - How to put your /etc under svk
- 2009-06-06 - Finding what was new in testing today
- 2009-06-06 - Procmailrc, TRAP and LASTFOLDER
- 2009-06-06 - How to generate bootable USB keys with simple-cdd
- 2009-06-06 - Making a film out of vncrec output
- 2009-06-06 - Suspend on ASUS U5F
- 2009-06-06 - Callgrind
- 2009-06-06 - Joys of schroot
- 2009-06-06 - Send a fax from the laptop
- 2009-06-06 - Stopped hard drive from clicking all the time
- 2009-06-06 - TurboGears RemoteForm tip
- 2009-06-06 - My Aptitude UI tweaks
- 2009-06-06 - Running apt on the FreeRunner
- 2009-06-06 - Setting environment variables at X login
- 2009-06-06 - Custom signals with Ruby-GTK2
- 2009-06-06 - Turbogears i18n quirks
- 2009-06-06 - How to resize a luks partition
- 2009-06-06 - Undoable `apt-get build-dep`
- 2009-06-06 - My curriculum
- 2009-06-06 - Passing values to turbogears widgets at display time
- 2009-06-06 - How to autologin X without a display manager
- 2009-06-06 - Filtering planet entries
- 2009-06-06 - Including inline images in Ruby GTK2
- 2009-06-06 - Docking the FreeRunner into the laptop
- 2009-06-06 - Some latex-beamer tips
- 2009-06-06 - Using a bluetooth headset for giving presentations
- 2009-06-06 - File downloads with TurboGears
- 2009-06-06 - libept 0.5.3 hit unstable
- 2009-06-06 - Saving waypoints with Holux M-241
- 2009-06-06 - Editing ChangeLog with vim
- 2009-06-06 - rc-buggy packages sorted by popularity
- 2009-06-06 - Uploading gpsdrive tracks to openstreetmap
- 2009-06-06 - Fields used by an LDAP Unix user database
- 2009-06-06 - Turbogears form quirk
- 2009-06-06 - Passing values to turbogears widgets at display time (the general case)
- 2009-06-06 - How to not start a service by default
- 2009-06-06 - Shell gotcha
- 2009-06-06 - A couple of BTS utilities
- 2009-06-06 - Quirks when overriding SQLObject setters
- 2009-06-06 - Miscellaneous bash tips
- 2009-06-06 - Passing data through vims using the X clipboard
- 2009-06-06 - Linux and a USB VEC foot pedal
- 2009-06-06 - Audit your debian uploads
- 2009-06-06 - Simplify g++ error messages
- 2009-06-06 - Introductory notes about tagging
- 2009-06-06 - Fifth day in Addis
- 2009-06-06 - Debsums
- 2009-06-06 - Server crashes
- 2009-06-06 - LDAP user database errors
- 2009-06-06 - Polysms
- 2009-06-06 - Automatic feed summaries
- 2009-06-06 - `mod_proxy_html` and compressed pages
- 2009-06-06 - MyODBC, one row at a time
- 2009-06-06 - Seventh day in Addis
- 2009-06-06 - Third day in Addis
- 2009-06-06 - Generating missing tangogps tiles
- 2009-06-06 - One beer to Steinar
- 2009-06-06 - Creating a trusted pbuilder environment
- 2009-06-06 - Generating Python docstrings from Doxygen with swig
- 2009-06-06 - Unpacking the new FreeRunner
- 2009-06-06 - Linking to self in turbogears
- 2009-06-06 - Tweaking my dspam setup
- 2009-06-06 - Cute things one could do with debtags
- 2009-06-06 - Dapper on XEN (part 1/1, unfinished)
- 2009-06-06 - Creating a new db on MySQL
- 2009-06-06 - Ninth day in Addis
- 2009-06-06 - Conditional partitioning in debian installer
- 2009-06-06 - pbuilder tips
- 2009-06-06 - A stroll among Debian packages
- 2009-06-06 - How to read the Freerunner's accelerometers
- 2009-06-06 - Minimal steps to get Taiwanese input on Gnome
- 2009-06-06 - Eight day in Addis
- 2009-06-06 - What package is eating up my disk space?
- 2009-06-06 - Formatting numbers with iostream
- 2009-06-06 - Bash variable indirection
- 2009-06-06 - Live CD on a removable disk, the Debian way
- 2009-06-06 - Things not to do with lvm and crypto
- 2009-06-06 - GPL and Business FAQ
- 2009-06-06 - Introducing the Humongous Merged Packages File From Hell
- 2009-06-06 - Converging to a solution
- 2009-06-06 - make distcheck and LaTeX
- 2009-06-06 - Replace nautilus with pcmanfm
- 2009-06-06 - Live CD on a removable disk
- 2009-06-06 - Fourth day in Addis
- 2009-06-06 - Conversation starting tool
- 2009-06-06 - Telling gpg not to use the key in the card
- 2009-06-06 - Patch to
- 2009-06-06 - Iterating filehandles in python, and buffering
- 2009-06-06 - Logging on the Freerunner
- 2009-06-06 - Turbogears quirks when testing controllers that use SingleSelectField
- 2009-06-06 - Debian Etch on Asus U5F
- 2009-06-06 - Procedure to check if all the services of Dream University are up and running
- 2009-06-06 - Fixing problems after upgrade to Dapper
- 2009-06-06 - Playing with a Holux M-241
- 2009-06-06 - How to view the fingerprint of the ssh host key
- 2009-06-06 - Recovering a corrupted FAT partition
- 2009-06-06 - Writing good package descriptions
- 2009-06-06 - Server crashes
- 2009-06-06 - Debtags paper for Debconf 7